Quiz #4

Today we had our fourth quiz and I found it quite hard. I thought about the problem and understood it but I had a bit of trouble writing it. In the end, a friend in class helped me and I got a better idea of what to do.

Functions were a bit of a headache for me but I’ll read more pages of the book and keep on working with my friends.

Here’s a screenshot of the program and three examples to show how it works.



Quiz #3

Hello guys! Today we had our third quiz and basically it was about wiritting a program that returned the square and the cubic root of a number. In the possible scenario that the user typed in a negative number, the program is supposed to give an appropriate answer.

Well, here is my code and the run program with the two possible outcomes, the one when the program gives the square and cubic root of a number and the one when the program receives a negative number.

Cheers, everyone! Stay awesome.




Hot Programming

Hello guys! This is my third post, as well as my third assignment. I found this assignment fun and super easy.

Basically what we had to do was to write a program that would show a temperature in Fahrenheit coverted to Celsius. In addition we had to write weather water would boil or not in the given temperature.

While I was writing my program I had little doubts. One was the correct structure for the conditional ‘if’. I did a little research and found out that I had to use these guys ‘{ }’ at the beginning and at the end of the conditional. Here’s the link I used to clarify my doubts, hopefully it can help you as well: https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/c-if-else-statement

After that I finished my program and when I ran it, I had a couple mistakes because I had forgotten to write at the end of two sentences the super famous ‘;’ semicolon. But no bigger errors appeared.

I really liked this activity and I hope y’all are doing great.

I’ll leave here my run program with the three possible outcomes and the structure I used in Atom.

Good luck guys, cheers!


Programming + Maths

Hello again everybody! So, my second programming challenge was not hard and I was pretty surprised about it. Basically, I had to create a program that could add, multiply and divide two integer numbers and present the results. At first I was a bit nervous but after reading a little about the math operations in C++ I got confident and typed my code right away.

I certainly like the course this class is taking and I am looking forward to the new challenges Ken has for us.

So, here is the screenshot of my code and the run program… I think it looks pretty :b

Thanks for reading, cheers!
